Back to ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4, select ġ5. On Output file, save it on the same folder and name it to EBOOT.ELFġ4.

Run xdeltaUI and select “Apply Patch” tabġ0. The EBOOT.BIN will be decrypted to EBOOT.ELF in your ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4 folder (you mignt need to press F5 to refresh the screen)ĩ. A warning about with Free type NPDRM EBOOT will show up, just press any key to continueħ. Using ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4 run ESSSE_RESIGNER.batĦ. copy EBOOT.BIN and game RAP to your ESSSE RESIGNER v4.5.4 folderĤ. Using multiman/FTP/usb, go to hdd0:/game/NPJB00716/USRDIR/ and copy the EBOOT.BIN to your PCģ. Patching EBOOT.BIN (Tutorial adapted from froid_san)ġ.On PS3 go to Package Manager and install the package Some battle help images may show an Xbox controller overlayĪTTENTION - NO patched EBOOT's, or decrypted, or game RAP files will be provided here.Ģ. #2 - Some text like 戻る (Back) can't be translated, they just disappear when i try to translate.#1 - There is a 20 character limit on dialogues, i haven't find any clues on where this limit is stored.