The sound effects of "stuff happening in my house" did get me because I really wasn't expecting the audio to be that well done. It has a really well done atmosphere if I cut out the jumpscares from my memory. I'm gonna leave you with this: The game you two made is amazing. As a really fucking arachnophobic person I would not be happy and might even break my monitor in the process but hey. Just the pure shock of a spider suddenly showing up on screen.

You know the spider illustration bit? You could've used that "build up" to show footage of a camel spider. You could even use relevant imagery to get the player really scared. Not doing anything at that point would've been better than anything in my humble opinion. The breathing that started on my back left and went all around me. The "real horror" (god i hate that definition) was the suspense, the uneasiness.

It was just a natural reflex to a loud noise and sudden movement. The anticipation of "damn something could happen" is way more effective for horror than having some epileptic zombie guy scream at your face. The jumpscares really took me out of my stressed state.